An Open Letter To My Crush

Hi Crush,

I always thought you also liked me as much as I liked you, again I'm wrong. Or maybe I just thought I'm wrong and I'm just being cynical right now? But starting today, I wouldn't keep my hopes up anymore.

But thank you! Thank you for being patient looking for my house on my birthday and celebrating it with me. We both know it's kinda weird celebrating a birthday with a stranger but I loved it coz that's when we started our friendship. Thank you for keeping those intelligent conversations and 'bullying' conversations with me til we laugh our hearts out. I love those silly and random conversations we have at nights. Even at mornings. And lunch times. And break times. :) Thank you for being there with me and being my emotional punching bag whenever I'm having rough nights and days at work. I really appreciate those. Thank you for coming to my "pseudo" gig and watch me sing, cheering me from the very start, and challenging me to do better next time. (Thank you for bringing your brother and childhood friend too for additional cheerers!) Ha! Thank you for showing your concern every time I'm sick. I loved it when you tell me to get well fast. I always feel a little pumped up after reading your messages of concern.

Maybe, this is the closest thing we could ever be. Me wanting you and having a crush on you.

Anyway, I promised myself that I wouldn't bother you as much as I always do starting today but always remember I always pray for your happiness! That's the goal right? :)

As much as talkative and conversant I am as you would've known me, there are words that I can't say out loud... so here goes my letter for you. I hope you'll find your happiness soon. Few weeks left til it's your birthday. God bless you and your heart and may He grant all your wishes. Especially the one you've been wanting and praying for - happiness.

I'd always be here for you. Cheering you (and bullying you) til the end. You know you can always count on me on that! :) Be happy. Always be happy.

You'll always be my crush. Haha!



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